How to enable or disable the MORE prompt

I’ve had setup on one of the routers (R2) to show running-config without any –more– prompts. At any given time I couldn’t see the previous lines. So this configuration is not a good one.

This is how to enable the –more– prompt:

 terminal length 30

(or any number between 1 and 512, 24 is the default)

and verify:

R2#show terminal
Line 0, Location: "", Type: ""
Length: 30 lines, Width: 80 columns
Baud rate (TX/RX) is 9600/9600, no parity, 2 stopbits, 8 databits
Status: PSI Enabled, Ready, Active, Automore On
Capabilities: none
Modem state: Ready

This is how to disable the –more– prompt:

 terminal length 0

and verify:

R2#show terminal
Line 0, Location: "", Type: ""
Length: 0 lines, Width: 80 columns
Baud rate (TX/RX) is 9600/9600, no parity, 2 stopbits, 8 databits
Status: PSI Enabled, Ready, Active, Automore On
Capabilities: none
Modem state: Ready

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