CCNA1 activity 6.8.1 skills integration challenge planning subnets

If you get 95% with both static route and static default route in place do not worry.

There is a misconfiguration in the activity. Use these to get […]

interfetele seriale au IP-urile cu 121 si 122, dar rutele statice au ca next-hop 129 si 130; deci pentru 100%: o ruta statica default cu next-hop= pe R2-Central

3 Responses to CCNA1 activity 6.8.1 skills integration challenge planning subnets

  1. Bogdan says:

    For el:
    Had some problems with the blog. Here is my answer to you:
    The serial interfaces have IPs ending in 121 and 122, but the static routes have the next-hop IP addresses ending in 129 and 130; so to get 100%: you must have the static route onto R2-Central with next-hop IP address=

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    • GentFula says:

      Do you have any idea why the next hop IP addresses are set to and respectively? It still boggles my mind.

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      • Bogdan says:

        Hi !

        Because there is an error on that activity. When they check the activity’s answers they check against and respectively.

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